4 Questions to get us Into our Hearts when our Minds are in Survival Mode

Woman underwater

COVID-19 has turned our lives upside down, to say the least.

At times like this, it’s normal to feel a sense of overwhelm, panic, fear, and doubt. All this change can be shocking to our system. When we’re under high stress, we revert back to our innate behaviors (fight or flight).

Many of us have had to transition to working from home, not working and being at home, or working at home with kids—doing it all. We are habitual creatures, and making multiple changes at the same time can feel daunting—paralyzing, even!—especially in the midst of a global pandemic.

So, if you feel like you are drowning in the unknown, it’s okay.

Take a deep breath. It’s normal to be experiencing a vast range of emotions. And remember that the sun still came out today, the birds are chirping, and that everything is going to be alright.

I’ve been experiencing the same highs and lows. My usual stress, worries, doubts, and fears are being amplified. They are on loudspeaker.  There is no more routine or busyness to distract me, and without distraction, there is no way to avoid my fears.

So, I’ve decided to listen to my fear and ask it what it needs. This pause in time has given me the space to slow down, reflect, clarify, and heal.

Throughout my reflection and clarification processes, I’m realizing how simply I can live and what my bare-bones expenses are. I’m nourishing my body in new healthy ways with home-cooked meals and exercise. I’m shedding light on my autopilot habits, and becoming aware of how often I use the “I don’t have enough time” excuse. I’ve reprioritized my commitments, and continue day after day to put my mental, emotional, and physical well-being first. I’m connecting with spirit through prayer, meditation, and the expression of gratitude, which has deepened my sense of trust and faith.

And to think, I used to find these things time consuming and unnecessary!

COVID-19 can provide us with an opportunity to unite in new ways. It’s important for us to come together as a collective and freely share our talents and gifts.

Generosity, service, and giving are innate human qualities. I’ve learned many tricks and tools that are helping me get through the ups and downs of this pandemic. I want to help others do the same. So, I’m hosting free workshops every other week to support people in exiting fear and regaining a sense of empowerment in these jumbled up times.

Here are a few good questions to get us into our hearts when our minds start to head into survival mode:

  1. What are your talents and skills?

  2. How can you use them to empower and support others?

  3. What opportunities are you present to during this pause?

  4. What feelings have you been avoiding that you can no longer distract from?

I’m using this time to reflect, look inward, and re-align with values, goals, and my desires so that I can move forward in an empowered intentional way. I’d invite you to do the same: go inward, lean in, push past the avoidance, and rediscover your soul-home.

What comes up with the above questions? Let me know in a comment.


Meeting Your Needs