Motherhood’s Pleasant Surprises

Josie turned one! Which also means a year of being a mother. It’s been a very rewarding, joyful and challenging year. Some things astonished me while other things were predictable and straight forward. I compiled a list of my top three surprises to share with y’all.

1. Watching my husband embrace fatherhood is SO adorable. It’s had me fall in love with him all over again. I knew Josh would be a great parent but watching him play with Josie, change diapers while singing lullabies and watching him rock her to sleep are some of my favorite moments. Observing him be so caring, playful and joyful with her is priceless. Josie is definitely a daddies girl :)

2. I’ve reached new levels of Surrender. If there was ever a time to practice letting go and patience, it’s at 1 am when your husband next to you is sound asleep, you are on edge and the baby is latched on somewhere between soothing, feeding or passed out. On the verge of an emotional breakdown, I had to remind myself (over and over again) that at some point the baby would sleep, the moment would pass and everything would be ok. The anger and frustration dissipate and I still love my family (Phew!). On the flip side, the most joyful moments also pass. When the baby is giggling, breastfeeding peacefully or sleeping in your arms like the cutest nugget in the world, those moments are fleeting. Days turn into months which turn into a year and both the good and difficult moments come and go. A reminder that this too shall pass and surrender to the moment.

3. Babies provide an endless amount of entertainment. I haven’t been exposed to babies much so seeing Josie grow and learn new things is FUN. Her personality and physical abilities change daily. Her mannerisms are adorable, her squeals make me squeal and her essence begets my essence. Babies can find joy in a leaf, bubble wrap or spatula and you have no idea how they will interact with the objects. I’m often surprised by how clever, smart, curious and silly she is.

Parenthood requires deep communion with your child. Thank you Josie for choosing us as your parents. I adore you. Happy birthday!


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